Interaction the doses of fertilizer organic baglog mushroom and potassium to the growth and the results of sweet corn (Zea mays L. Saccharata)

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Interaction the doses of fertilizer organic baglog mushroom and potassium to the growth and the results of sweet corn (Zea mays L. Saccharata)

Arvita Netti Sihaloho, Meriaty
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.14( 6), 1-7, June 2019.
Certificate: IJAAR 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This study aims to get a combination account the cost of fertilizer doses of compost produced by local of mushroom is just in baglog the cost of fertilizer and inorganic (KCl) that can reduce the use of a dose inorganic account the cost of fertilizer without depressing growth and the results of sweet corn in dry fields. This study using a random group with two factors namely manure compost baglog mushroom factors first doses (B0) without fertilizer baglog, fungi (B1) fertilizer baglog mushroom with dose of 10 tons/ha ( B2) fertilizer baglog mushroom with dose of 20 tons /ha (B3 ) fertilizer baglog mushroom with dose of 30 tons/ha. The second factor which is made up of doses of fertilizer KCl (K0) without fertilizer KCl, (K1) fertilizer KCl with dose of 75kg/ha, (K2) fertilizer KCl with dose of 100kg/ha, (K3) fertilizer KCl with dose of 125kg/ha. So there will be 16 combination treatments, each of which repeated three times. The research results show that the fertilizer baglog mushroom had significant on all parameter that observed, while the fertilizer KCl show had significant to height of plant and the diameter of cob/sample, but to the number of lines seeds/cob, the weight of the cob/sample and a plot no significant. The interaction of the provision of fertilizer compost baglog mushroom with fertilizer KCl indicates had no significant to all parameter that observed. B3 K3 treatment is the best for all parameter that observed.


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