Inventory of Medicinal Plants of the Erg oriental (Ouargla South East of the Algerian)

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Inventory of Medicinal Plants of the Erg oriental (Ouargla South East of the Algerian)

Mouane Aicha, M Makkaoui, Meftah Sara, Medjber Torkia
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 22-28, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Algeria by its climate (Mediterranean and arid) and the nature of the soil, has a flora particularly rich in medicinal and aromatic plants, most of which exist in a spontaneous state. It has been made for the purpose know the medicinal plants spontaneous and of gathering all the information concerning the therapeutic uses reported by the local population in the region studied. This study was carried out in the area of Ouargla on the inventory of medicinal plants in different biotopes (Erg, Chott and Hamada). During the spring of 2012, the floristic study has identified 64 plant species of which 20 are medicinal. These species refer to 13 families in which the most important are Poaceae, Astéraceae and Amaranthaceae. These plants are widely used in traditional pharmacopoeia. As a result of the surveys carried out with connoisseurs and the synthesis of bibliographic data, the ethnobotanical study showed that the parts used, the use patterns and the symptoms treated are much diversified.


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