Investigation of factors in creation hydrological pits in geographic information system

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Research Paper 01/03/2017
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Investigation of factors in creation hydrological pits in geographic information system

Azadeh Kazemi, Mohammad Reza Gili
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 3), 218-223, March 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is an element for display earth topography. One of the most important applications of digital elevation model is in hydrological application. Moreover, in many hydrological processes such as infiltration, speed and direction of runoff, changes in height gradient in the region are important factors. The hydrologic analysis tools are designed to model the convergence of flow across a natural terrain surface. There is an assumption that the surface contains sufficient vertical relief that a flow path can be determined. The tools operate on the assumption that for any single cell, water can flow in from many adjacent cells but out through only one cell. Digital Elevation Model basin with cellular network structure is very important in the effective use of distribution models. Errors in DEMs are usually classified as either sinks or peaks. Sinks, being areas of internal drainage, prevent down slope flow routing of water. In this study, the effect of cell size and lack of data to create maps 1:25000 pits is studied. Interpolation with different cells in similar methods showed that increase in cell size and number of holes and water there is a strong relationship Cubic. The lack of hydrological data was studied on the effect of making holes in cell size of removing randomly. Results showed that the lack of data to evaluate the contours of the pits but a great effect on the effect of cell size to create more hydrological pits.


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