Investigation of water deficit stress effects on yield and yield components of four soybean cultivars at different growth stages

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Investigation of water deficit stress effects on yield and yield components of four soybean cultivars at different growth stages

Mohammad Mehdi Pour Siahbidi, Alireza Pour Aboughadareh, Abdolreza Bazdar, Mohammad Reza Naghavi
Int. J. Biosci.3( 8), 104-109, August 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to evaluate effects of water deficit stress on yield and yield components of four soybean cultivars (Sahar, Williams, Hobit and Harcor), an experiment was conducted in the Agricultural Research Station in Shirvan Chardavul, Ilam, Iran in 2010. The experiment was arranged as split plot based on randomized complete block design in three replicates. The stress conditions consisted of three different levels of water deficit stress: I1: irrigation during all growth stages as control treatment, I2: omit irrigation at the onset of flowering stage (R1) and I3: omit irrigation at the onset of grain filling stage (R6). Results showed that water deficit stress had significant effect on number of pod, number grain per pod, number of grain per plant, 100grain weight, grain yield and biological yield. Also all of agro-morphological traits except harvest index influenced significantly by cultivars. The highest reduce of traits were at I2 to I3. In general, grain yield and yield components decreased with increasing water deficit. Therefore, water deficit can reduce the grain yield and its components however, the most grain yield and yield components was belonged to ‘Sahar’ and ‘Harcor’ cultivars under stress and non-stress conditions. Thus, these cultivars can be the most tolerant than other cultivars and the grain filling stage was the most sensitive growth stage of soybean to water deficit stress in this region.


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