Isek variety of black rice: its performance on organic and inorganic fertilizer application

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Research Paper 10/04/2024
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Isek variety of black rice: its performance on organic and inorganic fertilizer application

Jovita V. Valmores, Florentino P. Orpilla, Renato F. Limon
Int. J. Biosci.24( 4), 136-142, April 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Black rice is native rice grown by farmers under upland and rain-fed conditions. This open-pollinated rice is increasingly attractive due to its high value and having a high level of anthocyanin compared to white rice. Hence, the study was conducted at the DMMMSU Research and Production Farm from the 2016 to 2019 cropping season; to determine the growth and yield of black rice (var. Isek) fertilized with inorganic and organic fertilizers, to determine which of the inorganic and organic fertilizer combinations would maximize the yield potential of black rice grown during the wet season and to determine the cost and return analysis based on three cropping seasons with the following treatments: T1 – Recommended Rate (100%), T2 – 50% RR + 5t vermicompost + Bio-N, T3 – 25% RR+10t vermicompost + Bio-N and T4 – 15t vermicompost + Bio-N + Foliar fertilizer.  Results of the study revealed that 25 – 50% RR fertilization when added with 5-10 tons/ha vermicompost + Bio-N was found comparable to 100% RR using inorganic fertilizer in terms of plant height at harvest, number of productive tillers, weight of 1000 grains and grain yield (t/ha). However, applications of organic and inorganic fertilizer combinations did not influence panicle length due to black rice inherent characteristic of being short variety. Hence, the use of 25-50% RR combined with 5-10 t/ha vermicompost as organic fertilizer maximized the yield potential of black rice.


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