Isolation, characterization and identification of Diazinon degrading bacteria from the soil and gut of macrotermes

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Isolation, characterization and identification of Diazinon degrading bacteria from the soil and gut of macrotermes

Hellen Adhiambo Ogot, Hamadi Iddi Boga, Nancy Budambula, Muniru Tsanuo, Darius Otiato Andika
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 9), 70-79, September 2013.
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Diazinon degrading bacteria were isolated from the soil and gut of fungus cultivating termites Macrotermes michaelseni using MM7 media supplemented with pesticide as the sole source of carbon and energy. The isolates were gram negative rods the isolates from the soil were designated DS2, DS3 and DS5 while from termite gut was designated DT2. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that diazinon degrading isolate DS2 (from the soil) is closely related to Achromobacter xylosoxidan AF508101 (100%), isolate DT2 from termite gut is closely related to Klebsiella oxytoca AB004754 (99.7%). Whereas isolates DS3 and DS5 , both from the soil are closely related to p., AY082447 (99%). The ability of the isolates to degrade diazinon highlights their potential to be used in bioremediation.


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