Effect of grafting season, rootstocks and seedling age on success of stone grafting and pigments synthesis in Sindhri leaves

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Research Paper 01/09/2018
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Effect of grafting season, rootstocks and seedling age on success of stone grafting and pigments synthesis in Sindhri leaves

Sidra Kiran, Javed Iqbal, Allah Bakhsh, Hafiz Asif-ur-Rehman, Hameed Ullah, Iftikhar Ahmad, Fatma Bibi, Samad Raza, Atif Iqbal, Syed Inam Ullah Shah Bukhari, Subhan Danish
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 3), 63-72, September 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a highly cross-pollinated and allopolyploid in nature. It is mandatory to keep such fruit plants true-to-type through asexual techniques. A preliminary study was conducted with hypothesis that season and age of seedlings rootstock could be effective to improve the success rate of stone grafted seedlings and synthesis of chlorophyll in fresh leaves. For experimental purpose freshly extracted stones of commercial mango cultivars; Sindhri, SB Chaunsa, Dusehri, Sufaid Chaunsa, Anwar Retual, Retual Late No. 12 and Desi stones were planted in polyethylene bags containing the potting media to observe the performance of different age (10, 15, 20 and 25 days after emergence) seedling rootstocks with specific scion of Sindhri in three seasons (August, September and October).Results confirmed that October is the best season for Sindhri stone grafting on seedlings rootstock of Sindhri, SB Chaunsa and Sufaid Chaunsa having epicotyl age of 10 days. However, sprouting of 1st leaf in Sindhri was best where grafting was done in August. A significant improvement in chlorophyll a (75.9%), chlorophyll b (73.0%) and total chlorophyll (74.7%) validated the effectiveness of August season for stone grafting of Sindhri on seedlings of Retual Late 12. However, on the basis of highest success rate (68.3%) of Sindhri on SB Chaunsa, it is concluded that October is the best season for stone grafting of Sindhri.


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