Laboratory and field evaluation of oviposition color preference in mosquitoes

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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Laboratory and field evaluation of oviposition color preference in mosquitoes

Arif Mehmood, Muhammad Naeem, Ata-ul-Mohsin, Muhammad Tariq, Sheraz Khan, Noushaba Nargis
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 336-340, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Survival of the offsprings is the top most priority of all the insects, including mosquitoes. To ensure it, mosquitoes usually oviposit at some particular sites. Characteristics of these sites are sensed by some cues, including chemical and visual cues. In the present study oviposition color preference of certain mosquito species was determined by placing different colored ovitraps in the laboratory as well as in the field. Eggs laid in those ovitraps were counted and reared till the emergence of adults in the Biosystematics laboratory of PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Black and red were the most preferred ovitraps, 17.66 and 13.33 eggs were deposited respectively, while blue was least preferred, 2.06 eggs were laid. Yellow and green were almost equally preferred after black and red ovitraps. The oviposition color preferences were found almost same in both laboratory and field conditions. These results of color preference are helpful in preparing ovitraps for mosquitoes, hence can be used as a tool in the management and control of mosquitoes.


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