Leguminous vegetables production and marketing in Southern Benin

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Research Paper 01/10/2019
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Leguminous vegetables production and marketing in Southern Benin

Eric Etchikinto Agoyi, Konoutan Médard Kafoutchoni, Hospice Samson Sossou, Albérik Allagbé, Maurice Hounguèvou, Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo, Brice Sinsin
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.15( 4), 30-41, October 2019.
Certificate: IJAAR 2019 [Generate Certificate]


As a preliminary study that sets ground for the introduction of new leguminous vegetables, this survey assessed the state of production and market characteristics of leguminous vegetables in urban and peri-urban areas of southern Benin. Covering three administrative departments where most vegetable growers and traders are based in Benin, the study used the semi-structured interview approach with 105 respondents including vegetable growers and traders to gather information on diversity, pest and disease management practices, constraints, distribution channel of leguminous vegetable cultivated and willingness to adopt new leguminous vegetable species and varieties. The results showed clear task division between males and females. While a narrow diversity of leguminous vegetable species was grown in Benin, their production is highly market driven. Tunnel type greenhouse and open field farming were practiced in mono-cropping or crop rotation system with the use of poultry manure, animal dungs and mineral fertilizers as mean of fertilisation. The collectors and wholesalers were the most important stakeholders of the distribution channel, followed by the hotels and restaurants. Major constraints include pest and disease infestations, low yield achieved and lack of improved varieties. All respondents were willing to adopt new leguminous vegetable including vegetable soybean “edamame”, peas, pigeon peas, mung bean, faba-beans, common bean. This study provides insights to the current situation and prospects of the legume vegetables sector in Benin, and can be used as decision tool for the introduction of new leguminous vegetable species to promote the sector and make substantial contribution to nutritional security in Benin.


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