Less Nutrition Influencing Factors for the Children in North Sumatra

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Less Nutrition Influencing Factors for the Children in North Sumatra

Jon Piter Sinaga, Roy Hendra Sitepu
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 77-84, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The problem of nutrition deficiency has been a public debate in developing countries and the nutritional status of children under five in Indonesia still shows in less nutrition. To know the nutrition problem in North Sumatra, a survey research with an analytic and cross sectional design was applied. Therefore, this research aimed at obtaining the influential factors that affect the underweight nutritional status in under five years in Pekan Labuhan Public Health Center of Medan Municipal in 2017. In the field a questionnaire was used as instrument to collect data. To calculate the obtained data, the Chi square test with 95% confidence level, α = 0.05 with multivariate analysis was used. The research result showed that influence of  food nutrition of the under nutrition status of children under five years old (p value: 0,004), there was a significance influence of disease history to the under nutrition status of children under five years old (p value: 0,011), there was influence of food availability on lees nutrient status of children under five years old (p value : 0,010), there was influence of parenting pattern to under nutrition status of children under five years old (p value: 0,001), there was influence of health service to under nutrition status of under-five (p value: 0,002). It concluded that the pattern of diet, history of disease, food availability, parenting and health services have affected the malnutrition status of children under-five in Pekan Labuhan Public Health Center in 2017.

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