Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) fertilization system with organic matter based on poultry litter
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Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) fertilization system with organic matter based on poultry litter
Lettuce is the hardwood vegetable of greater acceptance by the consumer, because it presents high contents of source of vitamins and minerals, besides owning low calorie. Several authors report the application of organic fertilizers providing increases in productivity and quality of this crop. The objective of this work was to evaluate the system of lettuce fertilization with organic matter based on avian bed. The experiment was conducted at the Fazenda Flores, located in the municipality of Mineiros – GO. The experimental design was a randomized block in factorial 3×5, totaling 15 treatments, corresponding to three lettuce cultivars (green-leaf, head or romaine and purple) submitted to five levels of organic matter based on poultry litter (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 m3 h-1). The following variables were evaluated: stem diameter (DC), stem height (AC), commercial leaf number (NF), fresh head matter (MFC) and productivity. Thus, the application of approximately 85 m3 ha-1 of avian bed-based organic matter in the cultivation of cv. Crespa and Head. The cultivation of cv. Roxa, because it presents characteristics of low environmental adaptability during the growing period.
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Luiz Leonardo Ferreira, Juliana Naves de Campos, Carmen Rosa da Silva Curvêlo, Alexandre Igor de Azevedo Pereira, Raphael Augusto de Castro e Melo (2018), Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) fertilization system with organic matter based on poultry litter; IJAAR, V12, N4, April, P8-14
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