Localized coal-fired food dyer innovation: Its fabrication and utilization among small scale farmers and fisherfolks in Camiguin Island, the Philippines

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Localized coal-fired food dyer innovation: Its fabrication and utilization among small scale farmers and fisherfolks in Camiguin Island, the Philippines

Julie S. Berame, Minie L. Bulay, Maria Melina A. Rodriguez, Gil B. Salas, Macelino V. Dela Victoria, Roque Rendelle G. Limbaco
Int. J. Biosci.19( 3), 52-65, September 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The design, fabrication, construction and performance evaluation of a coal-fired food dryer using coal and wood fuel as a source of heat was undertaken to help small-scale farmer’s process foods. The coal-fired food dryer was constructed out of welded galvanized iron pipe, metal, steel plate materials and consists of a burner (furnace), drying chamber, fan blower, drying trays, heating element, and body frame. The dryer was evaluated in terms of drying capacity, temperature range, time taken to dry the products, moisture and solid content, and the quality of the dried products. Its drying capacity is 20 kg. per drying load conducted with 3 trials on sliced fish, squid, and banana products with minimum and maximum drying temperature of 110 0F (43.33 0C) and 130 0F (54.44 0C), time taken for fish, squids and banana were 7-8 hours, 3 hours, and 4 hours respectively. This localized coal-fired food dryer is suitable for drying foods with content moisture of 40%-60%, 82%-18% and 47%-53%, respectively. Furthermore, the quality of fish, squid, and banana was found good based on the panel evaluator during the in-house presentation. In addition, dyer evaluation was assessed for small-scale drying of fishes, squids, and bananas in the local community. Thus, the study concluded that the locally fabricated coal-fired food dryer is effective and operational equipped for drying various foods at a specific temperature and number of hours.


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