Macrophytes with Phytoremediation Potential

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Research Paper 01/06/2022
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Macrophytes with Phytoremediation Potential

Horacio Factura, Dennis A. Apuan
Int. J. Biosci.20( 6), 240-245, June 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Macrophytes can remove and degrade pollutants in soil and water which basically refers to phytoremediation. The objective of this study was to identify locally growing macrophyte species in Cagayan de Oro (CDO) city and determine abundance. Quadrat method was used and a plant expert was consulted. Eighteen plant species were identified and the 5 most abundant were: Brachiaria mutica, Ipomoeae triloba, Ipomoeae aquatica, Commelina diffusa and Panicum maximum. Various literatures have reported scientific evidences on the capacity of the species to absorb and accumulate metals and pollutants present in soil or water. In conclusion, CDO has a number of macrophytes with phytoremediation potential for wastewater treatment.

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