Macropropagation using cuttings from yakal (Shorea astylosa Foxw) wildlings under various rooting hormones and level of concentrations

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Research Paper 15/06/2022
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Macropropagation using cuttings from yakal (Shorea astylosa Foxw) wildlings under various rooting hormones and level of concentrations

Edwin C. Escobal
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 6), 50-64, June 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Shorea astylosa Foxw is a species of Dipterocarpaceae family. Productions of planting stock of dipterocarp species using seeds confront various problems. Flowering occurs at intervals of 3–10 yr. Propagation of wildlings cuttings was used in this study with levels of hormone, IBA, NAA, and Hormex. It was laid in 2 × 2 × 5 factorial experiment in CRD. Two segments were collected, topmost and middle parts. Hormones were used in levels; 0 ppm, control, 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, 1500 ppm, Hormex, 10mL per gallon of water, replicated three times. The study conducted from May 22 to October 4, 2019, in clonal nursery of Ecosystem Research, Development Bureau, DENR, Maharlika, Bislig City, Surigao del Sur. The results revealed that using IBA in the topmost segment produces more leaves than the middle segment, 1000 ppm of IBA has higher average survival rate of 93%. The average survival of topmost and middle segments has a significant difference with 78% and 61%, respectively. Significant differences observed between topmost and the middle segments, the highest average survival of topmost for IBA was in treatment 3 with 93% survival. For NAA, the highest was in treatment 1 with 96% average survival. For middle, highest survival for IBA was in treatment 1 with 90% survival and, for NAA, it was in treatment 1 with 73% average survival. These results implied that even without applying rooting hormone, cutting segments of yakal wildlings produces higher survival rate than other treatment levels with hormone application.


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