MangngalApp- An integrated package of technology for COVID- 19 response and rural development: Acceptability and usability using TAM

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Research Paper 20/10/2022
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MangngalApp- An integrated package of technology for COVID- 19 response and rural development: Acceptability and usability using TAM

Billy S. Javier*, Leo P. Paliuanan, James Karl A. Agpalza, Jesty S. Agoto
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 4), 109-117, October 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The COVID19 pandemic has challenged universities and organizations to devise mechanisms to uplift the well-being and welfare of people and communities. In response, the design and development of an integrated package of technologies, MangngalApp- A web-based portal and mobile responsive application for rural development served as an opportunity. It showcases different packets of technologies that were outputs of R&D in the field of fisheries and aqua-culture, innovations that were IP-protected, and technologies that harness locally available resources for post-harvest development and aiding in sustaining growth and development in the communities. This paper focused on the usability and acceptability of the MangngalApp implementing a descriptive research design using the Technology Acceptance Model or TAM and ISO 25010 software quality standards. Constrained by government health restrictions due to COVID- 19, a Google form-based questionnaire was forwarded to consented participants via an email with the attached consent and evaluation form. Results revealed that the MangngalApp was found to be very acceptable and usable, and compliant to ISO 25010 software quality characteristics to the higher extent. From the results, it is concluded that the developed MangngalApp will be a usable and responsive technology that aids to rural development especially among target users- fishers, gatherers, processors, traders, and farmers. Considering compatibility and usefulness, the MangngalApp is expected to provide greater social development in the community.


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