Medicinal plants of Côte d’Ivoire and viral infections: Diagnosis of Begomovirus

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Medicinal plants of Côte d’Ivoire and viral infections: Diagnosis of Begomovirus

K. Séka, J. A. N'cho, K. P. Assiri, K. F. Yao, H. Atta Diallo
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 2), 77-85, February 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Medicinal plants have many active ingredients used in traditional and modern medicine. However, viral diseases pose a real threat to their culture and development. It is useful to determine the health status of medicinal plants in Côte d’Ivoire. Surveys and collection of samples were made at sites identified in Abidjan, Alépé and Yamoussoukro. The symptoms observed were mentioned. Herbal hosts of Begomovirus, incidence and severity of these symptoms have been identified. A variety of symptoms of viral infections was observed. These include mosaic, chlorosis, leaf-shoe deformation, leaf curl and plant dwarfism. The mosaic symptoms were observed on the Abidjan and Yamoussoukro samples with incidences of 71.5% and 66.6% among those who were chlorinated in Alépé with 96.67%. The mosaic was most severe on species of medicinal plants displaying severity index ranging from 32.5 ± 12 % to 56.14 ± 9 %. Two samples out of the 91 tests have a positive effect on primers directed against Begomoviruses. These two samples were taken from Momordica charantia and Moringa oleifera. Medicinal plants are hosts of Begomovirus and a relationship may exist between the amount of active ingredient secreted by the medicinal plant and the severity of the symptoms of the viral infection.


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