Methodology for the initial screening tests of Lippia multiflora Moldenke: Necessary number of repetition of the same genotype for the estimation of heritability in the broad sense

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Research Paper 01/12/2012
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Methodology for the initial screening tests of Lippia multiflora Moldenke: Necessary number of repetition of the same genotype for the estimation of heritability in the broad sense

Adou K. Evariste, Yao-Kouamé, Kouassi Auguste, Kanko C., Sokouri D.P., Coulibaly M. Yahya, Tiécoura Kouakou, Karaboué Syndou, N’guetta A. S. P.
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.2( 12), 25-33, December 2012.
Certificate: IJAAR 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this work was to determine the repetition of vegetative material that was necessary to evaluate some agronomic quantitative traits and genetics parameters of Lippia multiflora. Two hundred fourty accessions of Lippia multiflora were used. Each accession was fragmented into two parts and was transplanted in theexperimental farm (1 m x 0, 8m). About one year after, some quantitative traits were taken. Then parameters like correlation, covariance, error- type and broad sense heritability were graphiquilly analysed according to the number of the individuals represented the same accession in the farm. It was noticed that the number of vegetative material varied according to the traits submitted. But the analysis also revealed that a more precision of the narrow heritability and a best reduction of the area effect could be obtained generally by using a number between 3 or 5 of individuals of the same accession, vegetative material or “clone”. Indeed that number could express about 60 % of that heritability and about 70 % of the error-type diminution. In over side the analysis demonstrated that the traits like (NFNE) and (TEMF) were strongly heritable (h²sl = 0, 77 and h²sl = 0, 95). The study showed that Lippia multiflora obtained from stump regeneration needs a period of 235± 4 and 281 ± 2, 73 days before producing flowers.


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