Milk Production of Dairy Cattle Supplemented with Corn-Based Total Mixed Ration with Moringa oleifera (C-TMR-M)

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Research Paper 05/06/2023
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Milk Production of Dairy Cattle Supplemented with Corn-Based Total Mixed Ration with Moringa oleifera (C-TMR-M)

Nena V. Siaboc
Int. J. Biosci.22( 6), 19-24, June 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Dairy cattle need to be fed with an adequate amount of forage that has complete composition so that production performance will be improved. The study was conducted to determine the milk production of dairy cattle supplemented with Corn-based Total Mixed Ration with Moringa oleifera (C-TMR-M). Eighteen (18) dairy cattle were randomly assigned into three treatments following the layout of Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Each block contained different stages of lactation as Early Lactation (EL), Mid-lactation (ML), and Late Lactation (LL). The three (3) treatments were T1 (C-TMR only), T2 (C-TMR-M with 5% M. oleifera), and T3 (C-TMR-M with 10% M. oleifera). The feeding trial was done for 30 days, and the data collected were analyzed through Analysis of Variance in RCBD and Descriptive Statistics through ranking. The average milk production revealed that T2 got the highest mean value of 10.07 kg, followed by T3 with 9.2 kg, and the lowest was T1 with 7.3 kg. The total milk production showed that T2 had the highest yield of 1,812 kg, followed by T3 with 1,650 kg, and T1 got the lowest yield of 1,428 kg. The Analysis of Variance showed a significant difference between treatment means. The findings indicate that milk production of dairy cattle was greatly enhanced with C-TMR-M supplementation. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the feeding of Corn-based Total Mixed Ration with Moringa (C-TMR-M) can improve milk yield in dairy cattle.


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