Molecular detection of mecA (or mecC) gene in MR-CoNS isolated from infected patients in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan and International Islamic University Malaysia Medical Centre

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Research Paper 17/04/2023
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Molecular detection of mecA (or mecC) gene in MR-CoNS isolated from infected patients in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan and International Islamic University Malaysia Medical Centre

Abdillah Mussa Kitota
Int. J. Biomol. & Biomed.16( 2), 1-19, April 2023.
Certificate: IJBB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The emergence of nosocomial infections caused by CoNS has led clinicians and researchers to reconsider the role of CoNS and methicillin-resistant CoNS (MR-CoNS) as important agents of nosocomial infections. The present study was conducted on clinical isolates of MR-CoNS obtained from inpatients in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) and International Islamic University Malaysia Medical Center (IIUM-MC) to detect the presence of mecA or mecA homologue (mecC gene). A total of 40 isolates (33 blood, 4 tissues, and 3 swabs) of MR-CoNS were collected through venepuncture, biopsy, and swabbing techniques respectively, and processed by conventional cultural and biochemical methods, antimicrobial susceptibility tests, and finally confirmation to the species level was done by using conventional PCR assay for known four common clinical species. Methicillin and vancomycin-resistance profile of the isolates was performed by E-test and broth micro-dilution methods. Of the 40 isolates, 38 were identified to be methicillin-resistant (MIC ³ 0.5µg/mL). The remaining 2 isolates were considered as susceptible to methicillin (MIC ≤ 0.25). All 40 isolates were found to be susceptible to vancomycin, with MIC ranging from 1-4µg/mL. Only mecA was identified in the 38 MR-CoNS isolates (95%). The other 2 isolates (5%) that were identified to be methicillin-sensitive by the E-test, also tested negative for the presence of mecC gene, thus confirmed to be non-methicillin resistant. The high percentage of mecA gene among these MR-CoNS isolates points toward the need for periodic antibiogram surveillance as they are identified to cause difficult to treat infections.

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