Morpho-physiological characterization of cultivated rice (Oryza spp.) during early vegetative growth under different soil water conditions

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Research Paper 01/10/2015
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Morpho-physiological characterization of cultivated rice (Oryza spp.) during early vegetative growth under different soil water conditions

David Montcho, Koichi Futakuchi, Gustave Djedatin, Mamadou Fofana, Baboucarr Manneh, Clement Agbangla, Corneille Ahanhanzo
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 4), 135-142, October 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In rainfed rice cultivation, weeds, low or no fertiliser inputs and no water control can be production constraints. Vegetative early vigor may favour weed competitiveness. Since Oryza glaberrima is considered as genetic resources for this characteristic, growth analyses of three lines were made from seeds to juvenile plants of 35 days after seed soaking (DAS) in a pot experiment with two O. sativa under two soil water regimes: soil of water saturation without standing water (SAT) and soil of a wet surface without water saturation (WET). After germination, total dry weigh decreased (heterotrophic phase using carbohydrate reserve in kernels) then increased during autotrophic phase. Start of autotrophic phase was earlier in SAT than in WET (6.2 vs 7.6 DAS) and kernel weight lost was also higher in SAT (93 vs 82 %). Total dry weight was smaller in SAT than in WET at 5 DAS but larger at and after 11 DAS. The carbohydrate reserve in kernels was more rapidly and sufficiently used for seedling growth in SAT than in WET; the growth phase more quickly shifted from the heterotrophic to autotrophic in SAT than in WET then growth after the sift was better in SAT. Leaf area (determined at and after 13 DAS) was always larger in SAT than in WET. Varietal difference in total dry weight became significant (P<0.05) at 28 DAS; the O. glaberrima lines showed larger total dry weight than O. sativa varieties and difference between the two species was more obvious in SAT.


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