Morphological diversity, pathogenicity and biofungicides efficacity on Cercospora arachidicola strains causal agent of early leaf spot disease of groundnut
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Morphological diversity, pathogenicity and biofungicides efficacity on Cercospora arachidicola strains causal agent of early leaf spot disease of groundnut
Fungal diseases are one of major constraints on groundnut production in Burkina Faso. Among these diseases, early leaf spot caused by Cercospora arachidicola (Hori.) is one of the most important economic diseases of groundnut. Aim of contributing to search effective control methods against this disease, we undertook the present study, which consisted in (i) study morphological diversity of different Cercospora arachidicola isolates (ii) study the level of pathogenicity of Cercospora arachidicola strains identified (iii) evaluate the efficacy of some bio-fungicides on the strains identified. The study was carried out in 14 villages in the Hauts Bassins and Boucle du Mouhoun regions of Burkina Faso with ... Read More read more link button
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Adama Zongo, Abalo Itolou Kassankogno, Abel T. Nana, Parfait Juste W. Zombre, Ibrahima Ouedraogo (2023), Morphological diversity, pathogenicity and biofungicides efficacity on Cercospora arachidicola strains causal agent of early leaf spot disease of groundnut; IJAAR, V23, N6, December, P1-9
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