Multivariate analysis of important morphological traits in some rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Genotypes

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Multivariate analysis of important morphological traits in some rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Genotypes

Mahsa Mohammadjani Asrami, Hamid Najafi Zarrini, Seyyed Rasoul Mousavi
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.5( 6), 9-14, December 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to determine traits relationship and genetic diversity in some commercial genotype in Canola based on morphological traits, an experiment was conducted with eight Canola varieties in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in experimental field of Sari Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Iran. The correlation coefficients illustrated that there are a positive and highly significant genotypic character association between plant height and Percent of oil per plant (0.511),plant height and Percent of protein (0.840), seeds per siliqua and siliqua length (0.914), 1000-seed weight and Percent of oil (0.762). Determination of correlation coefficients is an important statistical procedure to evaluate breeding programs for high yield. Stepwise regression indicated that 85/37% total variation exists in these traits accounted by the traits 1000- seed weight and Percent of glucosinolate. Principal component analysis (PCA) and factor analysis were used for understanding the data structure and traits relationship. Results of principal component analysis of genotypes showed that first three factor represent 87.5 percent of variance. Cluster analysis based on agro morphological traits divided 8 accessions into 3 Clusters. PCA appears to be a useful technique to differentiate between cultivars/breeding lines for selection purposes.


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