Nutrient composition of some lesser known green leafy vegetables in Nsukka Lga of Enugu State

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Nutrient composition of some lesser known green leafy vegetables in Nsukka Lga of Enugu State

G.T.O. Otitoju, J.U. Nwamarah, O. Otitoju, L.U. Iyeghe
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 4), 233-239, April 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Plants, including some lesser known vegetables (LKVs), have been implicated to be of several health benefits to mankind. Although LKVs are regular components of traditional meals, their nutritional and health benefits were orally handed down from one generation to another. The results of this study show that Mucuna pruriens had the least ash content of 0.14% while Myrianthus arboreus had the highest ash content of 6.61%. The protein composition of the vegetables varied from 9.87 to 17.42%. Fat was least in Ficus capensis and highest in Pterocarpus santalinoides. Pterocarpus santalinoides also, had the highest fibre content of 14.73% while Ficus thonningii had the least (5.96%). Moisture content of the vegetables was least in Vitex doniana (21.14%) and highest in Myrianthus arboreus (57.92%). Myrianthus arboreus recorded the least amount of carbohydrate (14.31%) while Videx doniana had the highest amount of 47.42%. Vitamin A and C were least in Videx doniana (0.53mg/100g) and Pterocarpus santalinoides (9.34mg/100g) respectively; while Ficus capensis and Videx doniana had the highest Vitamin A and C values of 6.25mg/100g and 91.28mg/100g respectively. Mineral analysis results showed that Ficus thonningii and Videx doniana had the least iron and calcium contents of 0.51 and 9.52mg/100g respectively. However, Pterocarpus santalinoides and Ficus capensis had the highest iron and calcium contents of 5.08 and 158.58mg/100g respectively. Vitamin A, carbohydrate, vitamin C, iron and calcium decreased when cooked and increased when shade dried in most of the vegetables.

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