Nutritional assessment of semi-fermented fish product (Chepa Shutki) from three different regions of Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Nutritional assessment of semi-fermented fish product (Chepa Shutki) from three different regions of Bangladesh

Mohajira Begum, Humaira Afroz, Md. Nazmul Hossain, Fouzia Akter, Md. Nur Hossain
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 1-5, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


“Chepa shutki” is one of the major traditional semi-fermented fishery products of Bangladesh. We herein, analyzed the nutritional quality of Chepa shutki samples from three different district of Bangladesh (Rangpur, Mymensingh and Jamalpur) followed by sensory and biochemical composition analysis. The result of sensory evaluation exhibited highest (6.92±0.74) overall acceptability of “Chepa shutki” from Rangpur Region compared with Mymensingh and Jamalpur. Biochemical analysis revealed that “Chepa shutki” of Rangpur contained the highest amount of protein (59.4 ± 0.15%), Fat (15.9 ± 0.38%), Ash (21.9 ± 0.85%), Carbohydrate (2.7± 0.81%), Energy (391.83± 2.54 Kcal) and Magnesium (0.71 ±76 mg/100g) among the three different samples. On the other hand, “Chepa shutki” of Jamalpur consisted the lowest amount of protein (35.9 ± 0.98%), Fat (15.7 ± 0.16%), Carbohydrate (2.7± 0.81%) and Energy (290.58 ± 1.89 Kcal) but highest amount of Calcium (494.92 ± 5.33 mg/100g) and Iron (204.08 ± 2.90 mg/100g). The highest total volatile basic nitrogen TVB-N found in the samples of Jamalpur (2.1±0.51) but the lowest (1.3± 0.84) was found in the samples of Rangpur. Overall results indicated that “Chepa sutki” from Rangpur region was much more acceptable among the three regions. Hence, their production method can be followed for the industrial production of “Chepa shutki” in Bangladesh.


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