Occurrence level of urban and peri-urban farming activities across major network links of Nairobi County, Kenya

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Research Paper 01/04/2021
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Occurrence level of urban and peri-urban farming activities across major network links of Nairobi County, Kenya

Millicent Nyaboke Ogendi, John Bosco Mukundi, Samuel Mwangi Githiri
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.18( 4), 25-37, April 2021.
Certificate: IJAAR 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Urban and peri-urban agriculture can play a crucial role in the economy, social and dietary life of urban dwellers. The city of Nairobi is going through urbanization challenges including provision of food, especially in slum areas where majority of urban poor lives. Reliable data on extent of urban/peri-urban areas being used for farming in Nairobi County, spatial distribution of such areas, type of crops, animals and proximity to market places are lacking. The aim of this study was to determine occurrence level of farming activities across four major network links of Nairobi County. Purposive sampling was applied in selecting four major network links (road transects). Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to farmers through face-to-face interviews. Data was collected on socio-economic characteristics, agricultural enterprises and consumption patterns. Data was analyzed at 5% level of significance, using descriptive statistics and chi-square test was performed. Farming activities generally increased with an increase in distance from the city center towards the Nairobi outskirts along three road transects. Crops only (90%) was the main farming enterprise practiced. More occurrences of farming activities were on Mombasa (33%) followed closely by Ngong (26%) and Thika superhighway (25%) road transects. Least farming activities were observed on Waiyaki way transect (16%). Fruits (27%) and vegetables (19%) topped the crop produce grown while poultry (38.5%) and cattle (34.6%) were the most reared livestock. These research findings will supplement to Nairobi City planners’ decision making process concerning urban and peri-urban agriculture in regard to land use allocation.


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