Optimizing lining length of watercourses for increased water saving in Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2017
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Optimizing lining length of watercourses for increased water saving in Punjab, Pakistan

Arsam Ahmed Awan, Ishtiaq Hassan, Muhammad Hassan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 2), 173-180, February 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The concern of water losses through the irrigation system has significant impact on the supply through of surface water. There is a high quantum of surface water losses in unlined watercourses that reduces the efficiency of water supply system and makes it uneconomical. An extensive study has been carried out to calculate conveyance losses using operational inflow and outflow approach. The losses from both lined and unlined watercourses of a similar geographical area, has been calculated and compared to compute the percentage saving of water. The percentage of water saving against increase in percentage lining were modeled using polynomial regression and optimum lining length for unlined water courses has been computed as 50% and it is found that maximum economic benefits can be obtained using this length that corresponds to 80% of water saving.


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