Origin of water salinity in Annaba aquifer system, North-Eastern Algeria

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Origin of water salinity in Annaba aquifer system, North-Eastern Algeria

Wahiba Hamzaoui, Samir Hani, Badra Aoun-Sebaiti, Nabil Harrat, Hicham Chaffai
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 6), 260-273, December 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The Annaba area hosts in its underground a water potential of great importance. In fact, it is one of the Algerian plains where groundwater is subject to over-pumping. Moreover, the expansion of farmlands and the development of the neighboring agglomerations required a massive pumping of water, thereby leading to the change in hydrodynamic regime of groundwater and to the degradation of its quality. On the basis of boreholes and physicochemical data, the three major factors responsible for the evolution of chemical quality of water observed at the aquifer were identified: (1) mineralization due to natural and anthropogenic processes (responsible for the increase in the contents of chlorides, sodium, calcium and magnesium), (2) the oxydoreduction conditions due to the passage of the water table from an unconfined aquifer or even semi-confined to a confined aquifer (responsible for the reduction of nitrates and (3) pollution of groundwater by nitrates in areas where the water table is shallow and in the absence of a protective clayey cover.

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