Search Results for : seed germination

Extraction of β-galactosidase and β-glucosidase from the seeds of Tamarindus indica.

The enzymes β–galactosidase and β–glucosidase were extracted from the tamarind seeds using different buffers at different pH. Highest activity was obtained with 10 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.6 and 10 mM tris buffer, pH 7.4. The effect of NaCl and Triton X–100 at different concentrations on the extraction of the enzymes indicated 10 mM […]

Germination performance of some legume crops under varying soil water available capacities

A laboratory attempt was made to evaluate germination performances of three lentil cultivars namely Nineveh, Adlib and Baraka, besides Common Vetch and Mungbeans under varying soil water availabilities. Soils were moistened to 100, 75, 50 and 25% of its water available capacity and were used as germinating media. Germinating seeds in 0% soil AWC depletion […]

Germination performance of some legume crops under varying filter paper moistures

Adverse effects of water stress without ions interactions in Baraka, Adlib and Nineveh lentil cultivars have been investigated. Results showed that germination under saturation (0 AWC depletion %) was the paramount treatment as it manifested the highest values. It profoundly surpassed that of 25, 50, and 75 AWC depletion % in terms of final germination […]

Allelopathic effect of Oryza sativa L. (Rice) straw on Echinochloa crus-galli L. (Barnyard grass) and Ludwigia octovalvis (Primrose-willow)

This experimental research determined the allelopathic effects of Oryza sativa L. straw filtrate and fine cuttings on the seed germination, seedling emergence, growth, and dry weight of Echinochloa crus-galli L. and Ludwigia octovalvis. It compared the average percent inhibition of Oryza sativa L. (rice) straw fine cuttings treatments against the positive and negative treatments. It […]

Canopy effect of Prosopis juliflora on selected grass species by using soil aqueous extract in Afar Regional State, Ethiopia

Allelopathy effect of Prosopis juliflora canopy soil aqueous extracts on tropical grass species such as Cenchrus cillaris, Paspalidium desertorum and Lintonia nutans were tested under in vitro conditions. Leaf litter falling under canopy soil was collected and tested for allelopathic effects of soil aqueous extract under natural conditions. All the soil aqueous extracts showed significantly […]

Exogenous application of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) improves the nutritional status of Maize grown under salinity stress in response to Etiolation and De-etiolation conditions

Plant growth and developmental processes are affected by both absences of light and salinity stress. Light and salinity affect the plant’s essential nutrients by affecting the mineral uptake through the rooting system. A pot experiment was conducted under the ambient condition of Turbat, Balochistan, to explore etiolation and de-etiolation response of maize hybrid (SP-17S23) to […]