Search Results for : maize varieties

Grain yield potential and stability of some open-pollinated varieties, exotic hybrids and promising single crosses of maize (Zea mays L.) in Central Sudan

Maize (Zea mays L.) in the Sudan is a promising cereal crop with the potential usefulness for both human beings and livestock. In this study, 13 maize genotypes were evaluated over two consecutive seasons (2013 and 2014) at three locations, viz. Gezira, Rahad and Elsuki research stations farms of the Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), under […]

Genetic diversity of maize landraces from Tanzania as compared with commercial improved varieties and elite lines through morphological characterization

Maize production challenges require well-known genetic diversity to ensure effective improvement. The study aimed at conducting morphological evaluation on 50 maize landraces from Tanzania compared with 7 commercial varieties and 11 elite lines from CIMMYT, Kenya. The experiments were conducted in randomized complete block design at three locations in Arusha region, Tanzania. Data were collected […]

Towards food nutrition improvement: Assessment of Farmers’ knowledge, perceptions and access to provitamin A-rich Maize in Tanzania

Maize is an important staple food and income-generating crop in most regions of Tanzania. The crop provides calories and other important micronutrients including vitamin A. This study was conducted in 3 maize growing zones of Tanzania to assess farmers’ knowledge and perception on provitamin A-rich maize (proVAM). Purposive sampling technique was employed involving 366 respondents. […]

Efficiency of Chromolaena odorata and Pteridium Aquilinum extracts on Spodoptera Frugiperda (Lepidoptera: NoctuideA) of maize (Zea Mays) During the two planting date in Highland zone of Cameroon

A study was conducted from December 2020 to July 2021 in the application and research farm of the University of Dschang to test the efficiency of two botanical insecticide extracts on FAW (Fall Army Worm). The randomized complete block design with three replications and two maize varieties Panar 53 (white) and Panar 12 (yellow), was […]