Search Results for : Tanzania

Screening local cereal-based beverages in Tanzania for yeast contaminants

During spontaneous fermentation of cereals; yeasts ferment carbohydrates to produce alcohol and they also provide vitamins, amino acids, peptides, and nucleotides needed by lactic acid bacteria as well as produce flavour compounds. Nevertheless, spontaneous fermentation is prone to yeast contamination from the surroundings which pose a health risk of opportunistic yeast infection. A study was […]

Prevalence of fish parasites in nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and physicochemical characteristics of pond water in Arusha and Morogoro, Tanzania

Fish parasites can cause significant production and economic losses in aquaculture. This study examined 130 small-scale fish ponds in the Arusha and Morogoro regions of Tanzania between December 2019 and February 2020 to determine pond water physicochemical parameters and the prevalence of parasites in farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Most […]

Comparison of flowering rate and cumulative leaf numbers of banana cv. mchare (Huti Green) under full and deficit irrigation conditions in Northern highlands, Tanzania

Drip irrigation in banana farms is an uncommon practice as compared with other horticultural crops. Records for East African Highland Banana (EAHB) diploid (AA subgroup) cvmc hare-Huti Green (HG) cultivated under drip irrigation remain unavailable in the study area. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of water regimes on flower emergence […]

Potentiality of field margin with insecticidal plants in the reduction of insect pests’ damage in common bean production, Northern Tanzania

A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of four different insecticidal plants (Dysphania ambrosoides, Hyptis Suavelons, Sphaeranthus suaveleons and Ocimum suave) in reducing pest abundance and damage in common bean under field conditions in Moshi, Tanzania. The experiment was laid out using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with five (5) replications. Results indicated […]

Understanding the dairy cattle feeding strategies, awareness and perceptions of smallholder farmers on hydroponic fodder technology, Kibaha District, Tanzania

The role of hydroponic fodder technology (HFT) on producing nutritious green feed supplements for enhancing the productivity of dairy cattle has been mostly demonstrated in developed countries. Despite the benefits of HFT, its adoption is yet to be popular among smallholder and landless dairy farmers in Tanzania. Here, we assess the feeding strategies, awareness, and […]

Microbes associated with fermentation of home-made cereal based beverages in Tanzania

Spontaneous fermentation has been used in Tanzania and other African countries for preservation and processing of food for many centuries. Most of the fermented cereal-based beverages in Tanzania lack information on quality aspects and functionality when ingested in the human gut. In addition, and specifically, studies on microflora taking part in the fermentation of locally […]

Effects of Climate Smart Agricultural practices and Planting Dates on Maize Growth and Nutrient Uptake in Semi-Arid Tanzania

The shift of growing season’s onset due to rainfall and seasonal variability are among the climate change impacts affecting agricultural productivity in semi-arid. Previous studies have also noted the seasonal variations in planting windows in semi-arid Tanzania. Because of such rainfall variability due to uncertainties of climate change, farmers face difficulties in determining the appropriate […]

Factors affecting distribution of coliforms bacteria in semi-arid groundwater sources- Tanzania

Groundwater sources are highly depended for domestic purposes in semi-arid regions of Tanzania. However, most of them are prone to contamination from natural and anthropogenic sources which affect their quality for drinking purposes and may result in the eruption of water-borne diseases. This study aimed at identifying and quantifying the total coliform (TC), fecal coliform […]