Search Results for : Tanzania

Dolichos lablab (Lablab purpureus): Smallholder Farmers Knowledge, Attitude and Practices in relation to Food and Nutrition Security in Tanzania

Worldwide, adequate consumption of food is questionable though farmers cultivate various crops. Farmers’ understanding of their food products, particularly underutilized crops, is less linked to dietary choices. This study examined the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of 344 Lablab growers in Tanzania about underutilized Lablab. Findings show that Lablab knowledge varied and was low in Babati […]

Aqueous extracts from Syzygium aromaticum, Tephrosia vogelii and Croton dichogamus provide environmentally benign control of Crocidolomia binotalis on Brassica oleracea crop in the fields in Northern Tanzania

The aqueous extracts from Tephrosia vogelii, Syzygium aromaticum and Croton dichogamus were assessed for the control of Crocidolomia binotalis in the Brassica oleracea field. Synthetic pesticide, water and water plus soap were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. Results show that the aqueous extracts from S. aromaticum, C. dichogamus and T. vogelii were significantly […]

Tree species diversity, composition and structure across human impacted and non-impacted areas in upgraded Marang’ Forest, Northern Tanzania

Globally, forests’ capacity to provide ecological services and support human life is rapidly declining due to the lack of deployment of proper resource management approaches. Countries adopt a wide range of management regimes that vary in degree of effectiveness in controlling unstainable human activities. This study aimed at understanding the impacts of upgrading the protection […]

Nutritional status and dietary habits of urban and peri-urban primary school children (10-13 years) in Tanzania: A comparative study between public and private schools

This study determined overweight and obesity prevalence and its association with dietary habits in primary school children in Ilala and Mkuranga Districts, Tanzania. A comparative cross-sectional survey was carried out among 406 school children (10-13 years). Indices such as weight, height, mid-upper arm circumference, and body composition were measured. Body Mass Index-for-age-related Z-scores were computed […]

Community attitudes and social correlates of African lion (Panthera leo) anthropogenic mortalities in the Maasai Steppe, Northern Tanzania

Knowledge of local attitudes toward lion conservation and identification of drivers of human conflicts with lions can help inform mitigation measures aimed at promoting the coexistence of humans and lions. We assessed attitudes of local communities toward lions and lion conservation in the Maasai steppe ecosystem of northern Tanzania with the aim of documenting anthropogenic […]

Extreme weather events and their impact on urban crop production: A case of Kinondoni District, Tanzania

Extreme weather events are anticipated to increase the existing challenges and generate new combination of vulnerabilities, especially in developing countries. Agricultural sector is the most vulnerable due to overreliance on unpredictable rainfall. This study examined the impact of extreme weather events on urban crop production and its adaptation strategies applied by the farmers. Secondary data […]

Quantification of deadwood littered by Acacia spp. in semi-arid ecosystems of central Tanzania: The role of deadwood in biodiversity conservation

Deadwood (DW) is an important carbon component for conservation and management of biodiversity resources. They are ubiquitous in many semi-arid ecosystems although its estimation is still posing lots of challenges. At Chimwaga woodland in Dodoma Region of Central Tanzania, seasonal quantification of DW produced by two Acacia spp. was done to evaluate the influence of […]

Soil Fertility Status of Smallholder Farms in Northern Highlands, Tanzania

Real-time information on soil fertility status is crucial in predicting the decline in soil quality, to help design appropriate management options. This research was undertaken to explore the fertility status of the soils from smallholder farms in northern highlands of Tanzania for sustainable crop production. Thirty-one composite soil samples were collected from different farmers’ fields […]