Search Results for : research papers

Evaluation criteria of a journal articles

A reviewer plays a crucial role in publishing sector. He or She validates research; establishes a protocol by which it can be evaluated, and increases interacting possibilities within research societies. They ensure the rigorous standards of the scientific process by taking part in the peer-review system. They also uphold the integrity of the journal by […]

Evaluation of journals to publish an article

A journal is a scholarly publication encompassing articles written by researchers, professors and other experts. Journals focus on a specific discipline or field of study. Unlike newspapers and magazines, journals are intended for an academic or technical audience, not general readers. Journals are published on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.) and are sequentially numbered. […]

Journal editors’ Standards

Journal editors’ standards for authors, reviewers, readers and the scientific community, owners/publishers of the journals, and the public An editor is a person who edits, or selects and revises, material for publications. In addition, an editor has managerial and sometimes policy-making responsibility related to the writing, compilation, and revision of content for publication. Journals editors […]

About Academic Journals

A journal is a scholarly publication containing articles written by researchers, professors and other experts. Journals focus on a specific discipline or field of study. Unlike newspapers and magazines, journals are intended for an academic or technical audience, not general readers. Most journal articles… Are peer reviewed Have original research Focus on current developments Cite […]

Assessment Criteria of a Journal Articles

Journal A journal (sometimes also referred to as a periodical or serial) is a publication produced on a continuing basis; weekly or monthly or quarterly (every 4 months) or annually. The titles of journals usually give a good indication of the general focus of the subject matter to be founding them. As they are published […]

Common Mistakes in a Manuscript

The structure of a research article usually depends on the journal to which the article is being submitted. Many journals have page limits, figure limits, or specific article divisions to which authors must adhere. These are the basic structure guidelines that INNSPUB will follow: Title Page Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusions Acknowledgements References Tables […]

References Style

References usually come at the end of a text (essay or research report) and should contain only those works cited within the text. Whereas referencing is a system used in the academic community to indicate where ideas, theories, quotes, facts, and any other evidence and information used to undertake an assignment, can be found. Referencing […]


The results section of the research paper is where you report the findings of your study based on the methodology you applied to gather information. The results section should simply state the findings of the research arranged in a logical sequence without bias or interpretation. The results section should always be written in the past […]

Thesis Statement

A thesis is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Formulating a thesis is not the first thing you do after reading an essay assignment. Before you develop an argument on any topic, you have to collect and organize evidence, look for possible relationships between known facts (such as surprising contrasts or similarities), and think […]

Call for paper for the special issue

Call for paper for a special issue All authors are invited to submit their manuscripts for the special issues to the International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSpub), which will be published in the following international journals under the special issue version. ● International Journal of Biosciences (IJB) ● Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) […]