Search Results for : review papers

INNSpub Affiliated Journals

International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSpub) are multidimensional open access journal gateway for the exploration of scientific knowledge and new research on Biological sciences, Environmental science, Agricultural sciences, Herbal medicine, Plant Science, Animal science and related other areas. It operates different types of articles such as research articles, review articles, short communications, case studies, project […]

Light pollution: A brief overview

In this paper, light pollution was emphasized based on the other research papers from technical to developing term. The review highlighted examples of the propagation of light pollution and its danger to human health, plants and animals, the environment, and its impact on astronomers. Scientists have been studying light pollution, which resulted in a demand […]

Evaluation of Pistacia integrrima; an important plant

Pistacia integrrima is a typical therapeutic plant belongs to family Anacardiaceae and local to Japan, China and found in the Northern regions of Pakistan commonly called KakrraSingi (Urdu) and Shanai (Pushto). It is used ethnomedicinally for a number of diseases include fever, cough, asthma, vomiting, Ascaris, Anorexia, Allergy, viral infections, diarrhea, snake and scorpion biting […]