Peat soil as an alternative soil substrate and its effect on balangeran (Shorea belangeran) seedling growth

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Peat soil as an alternative soil substrate and its effect on balangeran (Shorea belangeran) seedling growth

Ahmad Yamani, Basir Achmad
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 188-196, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Todays, substrates used for seedling growth are mostly topsoil. The topsoil will one day be difficult to obtain because of forest degradation. Therefore it is necessary to seek for alternative substrates. One of the alternatives is by utilizing peat land which is still of great potential on the island of Borneo. By mixing peat soil with mineral soil in a suitable balance, not only does the physical nature of the soil improve but also the ability of the substrates to hold water also increases. In addition, the only species of Dipterocarpaceae family that grows in wetland habitats is balangeran (Shorea balangeran). The existence of the species is almost extinct, so it needs to endeavor for sustainability. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of using peat soil and topsoil and their combinations as substrates of the growth of balangeran. The treatments applied were 0% peat soil + 100% topsoil, 25% peat soil + 75% topsoil, 50% peat soil + 50% topsoil, 75% peat soil + 25% topsoil, and 100% peat soil + 0% topsoil. The treatments were analyzed using a completely randomized design. The results showed that the highest increase of the seedling diameter (1.704 cm) was reached using the combination treatment of 25% peat soil + 75% topsoil), but the lowest one was the treatment of 0% peat soil + 100% topsoil) with the increase of the diameter of 0.455 cm. The topsoil should be mixed with peat soil substrates for growing balangeran seedlings in the nursery.


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