Perceptions of hotel and restaurant operators on the use of biogas produced from organic waste as a source of energy in the district of Abomey-Calavi in Benin

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Research Paper 05/05/2024
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Perceptions of hotel and restaurant operators on the use of biogas produced from organic waste as a source of energy in the district of Abomey-Calavi in Benin

Hervé Kouessivi Janvier Bokossa, Francine Abiola, Armelle Sabine Yélignan Hounkpatin, Anastasie Ahissin, Daouda Orou Bello, Parfait Djossou, Roch Christian Johnson
Int. J. Biosci.24( 5), 151-160, May 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The proliferation of hotel and catering infrastructures in the Abomey-Calavi Borough is leading to an increasing production of waste, which represents an environmental challenge. The aim of this study is to assess the perceptions of hotel and catering stakeholders on the use of biogas produced from their organic waste as an energy source in the Abomey-Calavi district of Benin. To this end, a descriptive cross-sectional and analytical study was carried out among 147 stakeholders in 05 hotels and 29 restaurants. These agents were composed of 56.5% men and 43.5% women. With an average age of 29.05 (±5.434) and a predominance of single people (66.0%), the majority had a secondary education (71.4%). The study revealed that the solid waste reported by 100.0% of respondents was produced more by hotel services than the liquid waste reported by 96.6%. The most common types of waste produced in these facilities are meal leftovers (95.2%), followed by edible oils and fats (74.8%). Waste management is handled by NGOs, which are responsible for collecting waste from the various facilities. According to respondents, 53.1% of waste is thrown away unsorted, compared with 49.0% after sorting. Waste is incinerated in 18.4% of cases and landfilled in 0.7%. Hotel and restaurant promoters perceive the exclusive use of gas produced from the waste from their operations as cost-effective compared with other types of fuel. For hotel and restaurant customers, the exclusive use of gas produced from the waste from your operations compared with other types of fuel is economical and reduces pollution. For cleaners, cooks and housekeepers, installing a waste-to-energy system to produce biogas in the workplace is a risk. Overall, the various results of this study show that it is possible to think about a waste recovery policy through biogas production in hotels and restaurants in the city of Abomey-Calavi.


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