Petrography and geochemistry of metasomatic rocks in Se-Chahun mine, Bafgh, Central Iran

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Petrography and geochemistry of metasomatic rocks in Se-Chahun mine, Bafgh, Central Iran

Zahra Hossein Mirzaei Beni, M. H. Emami, S. J. Sheikhzakariaee, A. Nasr Esfahani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 461-471, February 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Bafgh mineral region is part of the Central Iran micro continent. Host rocks of Se-Chahun mine are mostly under the effect of sodic, sodic-calcic, potassic and low-temperature alterations. Sodic-calcic alteration was wider than sodic and potassic alterations. Host rocks are classified to two grouped on the basis of structural changes: micro crystal metasomatits that mostly are seen with dark gray to green-gray color. Minerals set forming these rocks are similar to other metasomatits with macro crystal structure (actinolite, albite, epidote and magnetite). Main minerals forming macro crystals included actinolite, albite and magnetite; and by going near to mineralization place, magnetite mineral percentage increases. In altered rock of the mine AI and CCPI indexes were 79-20 and 90-19 orderly for low-altered and altered rocks and alteration strength increases from relatively healthy rhyolite rocks to other rocks. Existed amphibole mineral in altered rocks were classified in the range of calcite amphibole with the type of actinolite to ferroactinolite and plagioclases compounds varied from oligoclase to andesine. alkalin samples of feldspar located in the range of 70%-90% of orthoclase.


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