Phenotypic evaluation and molecular characterization of alc / Vaibhav recombinant inbred population of tomato for yield, shelf life and fruit quality parameters

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Phenotypic evaluation and molecular characterization of alc / Vaibhav recombinant inbred population of tomato for yield, shelf life and fruit quality parameters

Pallavi Pawar, Ramanjini Gowda PH, Ramegowda, Ravishankar P
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.8( 2), 25-36, February 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Tomato is second most important vegetable, having nutritional and aesthetic value. Due to high temperature and lack of proper storage facility most of the produce is wasted. This loss can be reduced by increasing shelf life of tomato, so that produce can be stored for long time. In the present investigation alcobacca, a ripening mutant of tomato has been crossed with tomato variety, Vaibhav. To dissect trait genetics, Genetic variability, Correlation and path coefficient analysis were conducted in the F6 recombinant inbred population developed from alc x Vaibhav by single seed descent method. Highest shelf life of 85 days was observed with a mean of 51 days for RILs. Shelf life was significantly and positively associated with fruits per cluster (0.13@5%), fruit firmness (0.23 @ 1%, 5%), total soluble solutes (0.15@1%,5%), lycopene content (0.12@5%), yield per plant (0.30@1%,5%) and number of fruits per plant (0.38@1%,5%). Thirty eight polymorphic SSR markers have been screened for RILs. QTL detection was done using ANOVA and Linear regression using Minitab® 16.1.1. Three SSR markers viz., SSR146, LEaat007 and TGS2259 have been found to be linked to shelf life with R square value of 2.9, 4.1 and 3.5 respectively.


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