Phenotypic evaluation of six cassava families (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from seed in Burkina Faso
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Phenotypic evaluation of six cassava families (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from seed in Burkina Faso
Phenotypic markers are important in plant genetic characterisation studies. They are used in the present study to assess the phenotypic structuring of cassava genotypes obtained by biparental crossing. The plant material studied consists of 56 cassava genotypes from the third generation of vegetative reproduction following germination of seeds from six families resulting from crosses. To evaluate these genotypes, an Alpha lattice experimental design was used with three replicates and three blocks per replicate. Blocks I and II each contained 19 genotypes and block III 18 genotypes. Data was collected on 10 qualitative traits on leaves, stems and roots. All the variables evaluated presented several modalities. The frequencies showed that: the green-purple color (41%) was dominant for the apical leaf color characteristic. Stems color were predominantly light brown (30%). Green color (57%) was most common in the petioles. Genotypes showed more dichotomous ports (44%). In addition, the relative Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H’) was very high for all characters within genotypes (H’=0.90) and families (H’=0.66). The most polymorphic traits between genotypes were flowering ability (H’=1), stem color (H’=0.99), tuberous root texture (H’=0.97), apical leaf color (H’=0.96) and branching type (H’=0.93). The same index showed high intra-family diversity, family VI (H’= 0.83), family II (H’= 0.76), family IV (H’=0.69), family I (H’= 0.61), family III (H’= 0.53) and family V (H’= 0.52) showing high internal variability. ACH was used to structure the genetics into three phenotypic groups. This observed diversity can be used for cassava breeding in Burkina Faso.
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Sawadogo O. Michel, Some Koussao, Ouedraogo M. Hamed, Tiama Djakaria, Tiendrebeogo Fidèle, Soro Monique, Tonde Wendmanegda Hermann, Sawadogo Mahamadou (2025), Phenotypic evaluation of six cassava families (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from seed in Burkina Faso; IJB, V26, N1, January, P141-155
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