Phylogenetic relationships between Trigonella species (Bucerates section) using ITS markers and morphological traits

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Phylogenetic relationships between Trigonella species (Bucerates section) using ITS markers and morphological traits

Fahimeh Salimpour, Mahsa Safiedin Ardebili, Fariba Sharifnia
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 12), 116-124, December 2013.
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Trigonella L. (Fabaceae) includes about 135 species worldwide and most of the species are distributed in the dry regions around Mediterranean. Phylogenetic relationships of 18 species of medicagoid and one representative each of genera Trifolium and Melilotus were estimated from DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Parsimony analysis of the ITS region formed a dendrogram with strong bootstrap support from two groups: Melilotus officinalis together with Trigonella anguina comprise members of subclade A. The subclade B with 100% bootstrap makes up a large clade comprising Trigonella, medicagoides Trigonella as well as Medicago species. Moreover, the subspecies of T. monantha including T. monantha subsp. noeana and T. monantha subsp. geminiflora are at a farther distance from this species. Cluster analysis of morphological characters showed two major groups that joined Medicago and Trigonella (Bucerathes) species together. Accordingly, both maximum parsimony and phenetic study joined medicagoid species more confidently with Medicago rather than with Trigonella. Based on our results, the medicagoids are better joined in Medicago rather than placed in a new genus and reconsideration in Iranica Flora is suggested.


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