Physico-chemical analysis of oil present in different verities date palm (pulp and seed) of District Khairpur

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Research Paper 01/07/2021
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Physico-chemical analysis of oil present in different verities date palm (pulp and seed) of District Khairpur

Aasia Ruk, Shafique Ahmed Arain, Shahid Ali Jakhrani, Mushtaque Ali Jakhrani, Farkhanda Zaman Dayo, Wahid Mngrio, Sehrish Memon
Int. J. Biosci.19( 1), 146-152, July 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The Phoenix dactylifera date palm is considered as the most important product in distrait Khairpur Mirs. Which is additionally of the most important dates manufacturing district in Pakistan. The Phoenix dactylifera have an economic importance due to its crop, that is most nutrient and energy providing that food.Dates are made in certain nutrients and which offer a good source of fast energy because of high sugar content. The date palm contains to carbohydrate in addition protein, minerals vitamin and fats etc. The edible oil of the main component are triglycerides (95/98%). The small component (5/2%) with mono di-glycerides, sterols, tocopherols, fat soluble vitamins and free fatty acid. The main purpose of this study was to determine the physicochemical properties according to the (AOCS) stander of oil extracted. According to the stander American oil chemist society method were checked by physicochemical properties also fatty acid composition date palm oil. The date palm pulp the oil sample the free fatty acid was found to be dominant. Comes about of display think clearly demonstrated that date palm oil good source of fatty acids. Bioactive component is also rich sourceof pulp oil.


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