Physico-chemical quality of the Okpara River waters and well waters in the commune of Parakou in northeastern Bénin

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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Physico-chemical quality of the Okpara River waters and well waters in the commune of Parakou in northeastern Bénin

Fadeby Modeste Gouissi, Nonvignon Martial Fassinou, Clemence Claire Aguessy, Dagbedji Damien Toffa, Gbetoho Kemal Bessan, Roch Christian Johnson, Pierre Midogbo Gnonhossou
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 6), 110-121, December 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Water is a precious and essential natural resource for multiple uses. Its use of food or hygiene purposes requires excellent physico-chemical quality. Our study aims to compare the water quality of the Opkara River with Parakou well waters. The water samples collected from ten sampling points, 5 points for well waters, and 5 for the Opkara River waters were analyzed by measuring the following physico-chemical parameters: Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, chemical oxygen demand (COD), iron, and chloride. The results showed that the majority of the well waters that we studied were suitable for human consumption. Apart from the temperature, turbidity and iron values that exceed the drinking water quality of Bénin in 2001 and WHO in 2011, all other parameters were found to be within the standard limits. The water was then qualified as polluted through its physico-chemical constituents evaluated which were very low or none compared to the standard norms suggested by the WHO in 2011 and Bénin in 2001 for drinking water. As for the river, these waters were turbid and less potable than the well waters from which they presented risks for consumption.

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