Physicochemical analysis of fishes sold in wet market in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines

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Research Paper 08/06/2024
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Physicochemical analysis of fishes sold in wet market in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines

Jinky Marie T. Chua, MA. Krischen Z. Austria, Gail Ann P. Pascual, Rosalia B. Cabalza, Jay Andrea Vea D. Israel
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 6), 46-51, June 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Fish is a vital component of a healthy diet, providing essential nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, potassium, proteins, and vitamins. These nutrients contribute to lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart attacks. In the Philippines, fish is the second staple food after rice, with significant per capita consumption driving an increase in fish farming. This study investigates the physicochemical properties of fish sold in Tuguegarao City’s wet markets, focusing on heavy metal contamination by lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). Samples from common fish species-Bangus, Galunggong, Tilapia, and Hito—were collected and analyzed. The study found variations in fish length, weight, and pH, with Tilapia and Hito showing optimal freshness and quality. Heavy metal analysis revealed that all samples contained Pb and Cd levels below the permissible limits set by regulatory authorities, indicating they are safe for consumption. However, continuous monitoring is essential to ensure long-term safety and quality. The findings underscore the need for stringent handling practices and ongoing evaluation to safeguard public health against potential contaminants in fish products.

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