Physiochemical variations in soil and behavioral changes in growth pattern of lentil in response to application of fertilizer factory effluent

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Research Paper 01/07/2013
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Physiochemical variations in soil and behavioral changes in growth pattern of lentil in response to application of fertilizer factory effluent

Syed Amir Manzoor, Rizwan Akhtar, Muhammad Zubair, Sarwat N. Mirza, Syed Bilal Hussain, Syed Ahmed Manzoor, Arslan Asim, Fawad Zafar Ahmad Khan, Feehan Hassan, Muhammad Shoaib
Int. J. Biosci.3( 7), 114-118, July 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Owing to its economic aspect, the trend of using industrial effluent to irrigate agricultural crops is gaining popularity in Pakistan. This study was carried out to gauge the possible effects of fertilizer factory effluent on the chemical properties of soil and growth performance of lentil (lens culinaris) crop. Four different concentrations of fertilizer factory effluent (25%, 50%, 75% and 100% concentrations) were used as treatments along with control (tap water) to treat lentil seeds in plastic bags. Germination behavior of lentil was studied using different germination indices and growth performance was evaluated by measuring physical growth parameters. Results concluded that germination behavior was negatively affected at higher concentration of industrial effluent whereas root and shoot length and seedling biomass also had decreased significantly when grown at maximum concentration of industrial effluent. There was however an increase in the seedling length and seedling biomass when grown at 50% of the effluent concentration showing the beneficial range of industrial wastewater concentration for growing lentil crop. Moreover, the analysis of soil samples revealed that pH, E.C and organic matter content of soil were significantly higher when treated with fully concentrated industrial effluent.


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