Physiological and biochemical changes observed in alternative cellar model: Paramecuim tetraurelia treated with paracetamol

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Physiological and biochemical changes observed in alternative cellar model: Paramecuim tetraurelia treated with paracetamol

Boulassel Amina, Djebar Mohamed Réda, Rouabhi Rachid, Djebar Houria
Int. J. Biosci.3( 9), 132-141, September 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


During their passage into the human or animal body, most of xenobiotics are metabolized. The metabolites formed are eliminated primarily through the kidneys and therefore are found in wastewater. Presence of synthetic molecules even at trace concentrations is an extremely pernicious pollution may lead to their accumulation in aquatic ecosystems. In this work, we focused particularly on the toxic potential of an antipyretic analgesic wide use: Paracetamol on an alternative cellular model: the protist ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia. The results show that the IC50 after 2h of exposure to xenobiotic is more 0.53μM; paramecia are sensitive to paracetamol and exhibit morphological and physiological changes and a strong disturbance of respiratory metabolism. In addition we have demonstrated a significant increase in GSH and MDA to confirm the toxicity of the tested compounds.


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