Phytoaccumulaion effects of Amaranthus hybridus L. grown on buwaya refuse dumpsites in Chikun, Nigeria on heavy metals

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Phytoaccumulaion effects of Amaranthus hybridus L. grown on buwaya refuse dumpsites in Chikun, Nigeria on heavy metals

Emmanuel Iroha Akubugwo, Ajuka Obasi, Godwin Chinyere Chinyere, Eberechukwu Eze, Obinna Nwokeoji, Eziuche Amadike Ugbogu
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 5), 10-17, May 2012.
Certificate: JBES 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Phytoaccumulation of heavy metals by Amaranthus hybridus L. grown on Buwaya dumpsites in Chikun were evaluated. The results showed higher level of heavy metals in Fe followed by Pb while Cr and Cd recorded the least heavy metals content in the dumpsites. Heavy metals accumulated in the shoots and roots of A. hybridus were highest in Fe followed by Zn. Values of Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Cr were less than 4, with there corresponding values of control less than 1. Bioaccumulation potentials of A. hybridus L. result indicated the following trends Fe>Cd>Cu>Zn>Ni>Cr>Pb for shoot to root (S/R) ratio and Fe>Zn>Cd>Cr>Cu>Ni>Pb for bioaccumulation factor. Percentage metal uptake indicated that the rate of metal uptake was highest in Fe and least in Pb. Results revealed that S/R ratio for all the metals were greater than 1.0 and these suggest that A. hybridus L. can serve as phytoaccumulator of heavy metals and can be used for phytoremediation purposes.

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