Phytochemical and physiochemical characterization of compounds of different coffee genotypes seeds

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Phytochemical and physiochemical characterization of compounds of different coffee genotypes seeds

F. S. Hamid, A. Waheed, B. Madiha, A. Seemab, F. Samavia, M. Saqib, G. Hina, K. Nadia, A. Naveed, K. Noorullah, A. Naseer
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 165-171, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The experiment was conducted on coffee seed imported from different countries i.e., Rwanda and Vietnam during 2015-16 to find out the physico-chemical and phytochemical properties. Phytochemical analysis revealed that certain phytochemicals i.e. flavonoids, saponins, carbohydrates, glycosides, carotenoids were found positive both in seed varieties while proteins were found negative. Amino acid was observed in 0.0063% Rwandan and 0.0065% in Catimor. The polyphenol was found 5.2% in Rwandan and 6.5% in Catimor while 22.4% caffeine in Rwandan and 16.9% in Catimor seeds were detected. Physiochemical analysis revealed that 12% moisture content was observed in Rwandan while 8.3% in Catimor. In addition, 6.66% ash content was recorded in Rwandan and 4.33% in Catimore. It proved that Rwandan variety better than the catimor in all respectively.


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