Phytochemical screening and acute toxicity assessment of Aloe vera gel and extracts of turmeric, oregano, and lemon grass in broilers

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Research Paper 09/08/2024
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Phytochemical screening and acute toxicity assessment of Aloe vera gel and extracts of turmeric, oregano, and lemon grass in broilers

CF Omar Bernardino D. Domingo, Minerva J. Tabafunda, Medelyn A. Aglipay
Int. J. Biosci.25( 2), 259-272, August 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


This study aims to evaluate the high-dose effects of botanical extracts on blood profile, histopathologic appearance, and carcass quality in broiler chickens when given per orem. Fifty-two (52) broiler chickens were distributed in 6 treatment groups: T1 was given normal drinking water, T2 with commercial antibiotic growth promoter, T3 was treated with turmeric extract (10ml/head), T4 was given oregano extract (10 ml/head), T5 lemongrass extract (10ml/head), and T6 was given a 10 ml/head dose of Aloe vera gel. Experimental results showed that the high dose of herbal extracts did not have a direct effect on the liver and kidney and did not produce significant gross and bistopathologic changes. Results also suggest that the botanical extracts used in this study do not affect the hematological profiles (RBC and platelet) of broilers, as well as their serum biochemistry values. The results also showed the high dose of botanical extracts does not affect the relative internal organ weight and carcass quality of broiler chickens.


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