Phytochemical screening and in vitro anti-oxidant activities of Ehretia serrata Roxb. and Ehretia obtusifolia Hochst. Ex A. DC (Family: Boraginaceae)

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Phytochemical screening and in vitro anti-oxidant activities of Ehretia serrata Roxb. and Ehretia obtusifolia Hochst. Ex A. DC (Family: Boraginaceae)

Zill-e-Huma, Muhammad Ibrar, Fazal Hadi, Barkatullah, Memrez Khushal gigyani
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 219-232, May 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The objective of current study was to investigate the presence of qualitative and quantitative phytochemical compounds and anti-oxidant potential of methanolic extracts of leaf, fruit and stem bark of Ehretia serrata Roxb. and Ehretia obtusifolia Hochst. Ex A.DC. Results of qualitative phytochemical screenings of examined parts of these plants shown the presence of phenol compounds, starch, protein, reducing sugar, steroids, tarpenoids, fats, aldehydes, anthraquinone, glycosides, amino acids, saponine, alkaloids, tannins and phlobatannin. The quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds and flavonoids showed that E. serrata leaf and E. obtusifolia stem bark have significant amount (43.6+0.34 and 38.35+0.44; 38.00+1.33, 34.11+0.39) of both compounds, which showed relatedness of these compounds with significant scavenging activity. Based on IC50 (µg/ml), leaf extract of E. serrata showed highly significant (p>0.01) results (IC50 µg/ml; 0.12) after 30 min compared to other parts. In E. obtusifolia highly significant value was observed in stem bark (IC50 µg/ml; 0.03) followed by fruits and leaf. Highly significant (p>0.01) % DPPH inhibition was observed in Ehretia serrata stem bark (94.1%) after 60 min and in fruit (85%) of Ehretia obtusifolia after 30 min. The present study revealed that all investigated parts of both plants possesses high antioxidant potency due to the presence of high amount of bioactive compounds, this may also justify their use in ethno-medicine as an anti-oxidant agent.


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