Pollution loads generated by the steel industry and their impact on the environment. Case of the arcelor mittal steel complex – Algeria

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Research Paper 01/05/2019
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Pollution loads generated by the steel industry and their impact on the environment. Case of the arcelor mittal steel complex – Algeria

Brahim Louati, Lamine Sayad, Mohamed Mahia, Hicham Chaffai
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 5), 45-52, May 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The steel industry uses large quantities of water, notably for cooling operations at different stages of steelmaking and discharges huge amounts of residual water. The present study focuses on the assessment of Pollution loads produced by effluents of the Arcelor Mittal –Algeria steel complex. Pollution quantification is carried out through major physicochemical parameters BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand of 5 days), COD (chemical oxygen demand), TSS (total suspended solids) and certain heavy metals (Zinc, Iron, Chromium, Copper and Nickel) at the main drains downstream of the complex by the Meboudja Wadi. Pollution loads produced by these industrial effluents exhibit high COD (>600 T /y), TSS (>900 T /y), chlorides and certain heavy metals such as iron (> 7, 5 T/y) loads, as well as nickel to a lesser extent. They are discharged to the wadi Meboudja, then to the receiving environment, (the Seybouse oued). They pose a severe threat to receiving environment and to ecosystem integrity.


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