Polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activity in leaf of Pui vegetable induced by low and high temperature – a regulatory and comparative study

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Review Paper 01/04/2018
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Polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activity in leaf of Pui vegetable induced by low and high temperature – a regulatory and comparative study

Md. Shahidul Haque, Md. Monirul Islam, Md. Abdur Rakib, Md. Maniruzzaman, Md. Ilias Hossain
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 4), 66-83, April 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Both biotic and abiotic stresses cause metabolic regulation and coordination in plants.  To clarify its mechanism, a comparative study was performed where B alba grown in pot exposed to 8oC for 24h, 48h and 72h periods.  For high temperature induced plants, they were exposed to 45oC with full aeration along with sufficient water.  Plants exposed to 8 oC for 24h, 48h and 72h had higher PPO level and maximal after 48h of exposure.  A dose response characteristic of substrate on PPO activity was observed up to 72h and the activity was maximal at 10 mM concentration although 100 and 200 mM concentration show higher specificity.  The enhanced peroxidase activity was found and maximal at 48h of exposure.  Similar stimulatory effects on PPO activity were observed whenever plants were exposed to high temperature for the above mentioned periods.  The different doses of substrate (10, 100, 200 mM) caused the higher PPO activity in response to high temperature, however the effects were more pronounced after prolonged exposure and assumed to be lower than low temperature induced plants.  On the contrary, POD activity was reciprocally regulated and deactivated compared to the respective control.  The Km and Vmax values were altered in response to these stresses among different groups with different doses of substrates for PPO.  The review article will give a new insight for adaptive and anti-oxidative response to low and high temperature and might be a regulatory mechanism for survival of this species.


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